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This application is a self-hosted comic books calendar, which allows you to follow the new issues of your favorite series.


To run this application, you need:

  • PHP 5.1 or greater with support of PDO
  • MySql drivers for PDO
  • the Mod_Rewrite module for Apache


Download the project

See the download page.


  1. Create a file application/config/comicvine.php with 1 constant (you’ll need to ask for an API key from ComicVine):

     define('COMIC_VINE_API_KEY', 'you_comicvine_api_key');
  2. Create a file application/config/recaptcha.php with 2 constants (you’ll need to ask for a key from ReCaptcha):

     define('RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY', 'your_recaptcha_public_key');
     define('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY', 'your_recaptcha_private_key');
  3. Create a file application/config/cookies.php with 1 constant (any random string that’ll allow you to salt the cookies information):

     define('SESSION_SALT', 'your_session_salt');
  4. Edit the file application/build/conf/comicslist-conf.php and set the correct DSN, username and password for the DB connection.

  5. Edit application/config/config.php and set the constants BASE_URL and DOMAIN according to your settings.

  6. Create a Cron task calling cron-updater.php every day.

  7. Go to your BASE_URL and enjoy!